13 May 2016

return to schnepf farms.

On Saturday we returned to Schnepf Farms to pick peaches.  After last year's trip, I'd eaten our peach haul in about a week and was pretty regretful that I hadn't picked more.  So this year I picked a whopping 13 pounds.  I will probably feel like I didn't get enough a week from now.  I think it's safe to say that peaches are my favorite fruit and though I generally dread the start of summers here in AZ, it's always softened by the fact that it coincides with the beginning of peach season.  It's finally here, and this year I am going to make that peach pie that I always say I'm going to make but never do because I already ate the peaches.

Theo was quite enamored with the peacocks.  His interest should come as no surprise, seeing as they're birds and he loves birds, but I'm not sure he actually knew they were birds. (birds)

At the bakery/country store, we picked up some fresh vegetables for our dinner the next evening.  (More about that later!)  We also picked up the peach cinnamon rolls I'd ordered the day before (just to be safe!)  I've basically been craving them every since we got one (only one, sadly!) last year.  They are decadent, but they also have peaches inside so it feels kind of healthy...??

It was possibly the very last perfect, not-too-hot Saturday of this part of the year, and it was well spent.  We love you, Schnepf Farms, and your perfect peaches.

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