19 August 2013

phoenix: home sweat home.

aaaand we're back!

and we only lost one iPhone and very nearly (but not quite!) a gopro along the way!

last night we returned home from our trip to a warm city and a still intact home.  i have yet to sit down and go through all of the pictures and the videos we took (63 GB worth!!), but i am itching to do so.  i'm thinking tonight will be for grilled cheeses and hours of trip reminiscing.

truth be told, it's good to be back.  i loooooved our trip and i loooooooved the 40 degree drop in temperatures just about everywhere we went and i'd looooooove to move to any of those places in a heartbeat.

but phoenix, oh this place.  this hot, hot place.  we have our fights, but right now she's home and it's so good to be here.  this is where we belong for now, and i'm just rolling with it.  heat and all.

as for our trip...

this is what i'd like to say:  i'm going to make up another travelogue series for this trip (because, why not, let's be obnoxious about it!) and it's going to be up by mid-september, complete with stories and pictures and maybe even a few videos.

here's the situation:  i'm crazy into work until the beginning of october.  at least, that's the goal.  if i don't make my deadline, it could be longer.

so i've decided i'm guaranteeing everything before the end of the year.  i may be underestimating myself and i could get things up faster, but who knows.  and christmas sounded like a good date for a deadline anyway.

as for one for the upcoming that brazil trip... who even knows.  but we're getting a little ahead of ourselves anyway!

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