07 December 2015

bruce munro at desert botanical gardens.

Three years ago (!!!) Jon and I visited Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania to see a special light-art installation but Bruce Munro.  It was an incredible magical experience and one of the coolest things we have ever seen.  Sadly, I'd forgotten a tripod and so my pictures weren't amazing, but we've never forgotten what we saw.  Jon even had grand plans to feature fiber optic lighting and decoration at the open house before our wedding.  Sadly it didn't work out, but I'm sure we will throw a party someday with some fiber optics at some point in our lives.

Anyway, we were thrilled when we found out that many of Munro's pieces were coming to Phoenix.  We visited the Desert Botanical Gardens (with a tripod!) a few weeks ago, and were happy to see old favorites and new beautiful installations.  You don't often get to repeat an amazing date, and we're glad we got to do it with this one.

Bruce Munro, Sonoran Light, Desert Botanical Gardens, Water-Towers
Bruce Munro, Sonoran Light, Desert Botanical Gardens, Field of Light
Field of Light

Bruce Munro, Sonoran Light, Desert Botanical Gardens, Field of Light

Bruce Munro, Sonoran Light, Desert Botanical Gardens, Field of Light

Bruce Munro, Sonoran Light, Desert Botanical Gardens, Fireflies

Bruce Munro, Sonoran Light, Desert Botanical Gardens, Beacon

Bruce Munro, Sonoran Light, Desert Botanical Gardens, Field of Light

Bruce Munro, Sonoran Light, Desert Botanical Gardens, Eden Blooms
Eden Blooms

Bruce Munro, Sonoran Light, Desert Botanical Gardens, Field of Light

We love you, Bruce Munro.  Could you design something for our house, please??  Will pay in cookies and amateur-level pictures taken of the art.  Thanks!

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