24 May 2018

last day of school 2018.

Yesterday was Theo's last day of school.  He doesn't really understand it to be sad, but if he did he would be!  He definitely had a rough start, but eventually grew to love school.  Especially those buses!

We are really pleased with the progress Theo made, and I'm endlessly grateful to each of his teachers and aides who helped him with his speech and development.  God bless them for their hard work and fingers crossed that enough Arizonans support teachers with their votes in November.  hashtag, Red4Ed.

(PS, too late for the Arizona Red4Ed moment I thought of a clever tweet:  the most magical part of The Magic School Bus is the 8:1 class size. #Red4Ed)

(PPS, publishing tweets on blogs is going to be the new thing.  If blogs ever stop being the old thing.)

Anyway, I'm proud of my little guy and excited for his continued growth.

And we'll miss you, Bus That Drives Past Our House Every Day.

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