23 April 2014

hi again.

It's April, did you know?  Somehow we got here and I'm not exactly sure how.  Suddenly all of the tv shows are ending for the season, and we're on that line between warm and freaking hot weather.  I mean good grief, I'm still trying to get used to the whole being married thing over here, sometimes that fact un-sinks in.

Anyway, April.  Last weekend, to be specific.  It was Easter and my brother's birthday and all the Hoods went to Ephraim for the occasion.

Ephraim is actually not bad looking.  In January in was all white with snow, but this time the ground was visible and I actually saw what the place looks like.  It's pretty green!  (Not PA-green, but you know.  It's not brown.)  The best part is probably the mountains.  They're right next to the town and apparently allow for lots of camping and fishing, which we couldn't do because of snow.  On Saturday we drove up the mountain as far as we could.

Oh yeah, Jon has been growing out his hair.  It's an adventure in and of itself, and he goes about with a certain giddiness that he hasn't had since the beard catastrophe of winter 2011.  There's not exactly a definitive haircut date... back in October we'd said that he'd grow it out until the baby came, and that ship sort of sunk, but Jon insists that his hair stay until a baby comes, so.  If you ask me though, I say a hair cut will come around mid-May.  (For the record, we've tried tying it up into a ponytail... most ridiculous thing I have ever seen.)

Moving on, a couple of snowball fights took place on the mountain.  I stayed away from the snow mostly, with the exception of an unfortunately-aimed snowball that my mom threw at me and a tiny bit of exploring in deep snow that resulted in the old snow-inside-the-sock problem.

Watch out for Brigham's special backstabbing move:

The rest of the weekend was spent driving around looking at all of the baby animals that have been born recently, eating at restaurants in other towns, playing video games, and having entire conversations where every other sentence starts with "remember when _________ did _________?" which we actually do a lot when we're all together.

The end.  (I'm rusty, still trying to remember how to do this.)

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