14 May 2013

we are announced.

let it be known that (i'm pretty sure) the worst, most tedious part is over.  good grief, these were a pain!

though i'm pretty sure all the grief was actually self-inflicted.

(1) our mini cards that we had printed for our open house info had the wrong date on it. WHOMP WHOMP.  this whole time i've been trying to ingrain our wedding date into my brain so i don't forget it, and i accidentally printed that date as the one for our open house.  i pooched it!  anyway, i had to design a new one really fast and just print them all at home.  and then cut them all.

(2) then, the addresses.  some of them printed perfectly onto the label paper, and there were others that weren't exactly being cooperative.  so we had to handwrite those, JOY!

(3) and of course, the licking of the envelopes.  jon definitely licked more than me... sorry dude.  they tasted sooooo disgusting, but we remembered that one jerry gergich power moment and that was kind of funny.

the whole thing took the entire afternoon/evening.  we watched many episodes of criminal minds, and also, jon started me on arrested development. (so now this makes sense to me.)

aaand, we have a million announcements, envelopes and photos left over... so if anyone has ideas on what to do with those, throw them at me.

anyway, this is what the announcement looks like:

and these were the pictures.  we couldn't agree on just one, so half the people got one, and the other half got the other.  (our parents received both.)

which one will you get??

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