09 June 2016

love lamar's.

One of my pet peeves are all the #National[insertfooditemhere]day s.  There is one every week, I swear.  And I've always had a suspicion that a lot of them are made up, which is what peeves me.  This suspicion was confirmed a few months ago, I think in December or January, when I saw #NationalDoughnutDay on Twitter, and I knew full well that it was NOT National Doughnut Day that day.

That's because National Doughnut Day is the first Friday in June, and I know this because it is the anniversary of the day that I discovered Lamar's Donuts.  And you just don't forget the day you have your first Lamar's.

Jon and I went on a sort of doughnut (donut??  I still don't know which spelling to use) quest last year, which all started and ended with Lamar's.  We tried other doughnuts after Lamar's, but we really found the best one first and nothing else lived up to them.

(For the record we will, on occasion, hit up Bosa Donuts.  But this is only in the event that a doughnut craving hits later in the day - Lamar's closes at 2:00 pm, our closest Bosa closes at 10:00 pm.)

Anyway we went to Lamar's last Friday to get our free doughnuts and also a bag of doughnut holes.  Here are some pictures!

The doughnut bellies were full that day.  Full and happy.

Also: obviously the best case for us needing to evolve to have a third arm is so we can hold a doughnut hole in each hand and also our drink.

Cheers to you if you are lucky enough to have a Lamar's near you.  For on National Doughnut Day, we celebrate like kings and queens.

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