23 February 2020

phx 2020.

After I came back from New Orleans last year he asked if he could go on a plane one day the next time I went on a trip.  I said 'yes,' and that was that, and he didn't really bring it up much after that.  Until about last fall, and then he really started asking about going on an airplane ride in earnest.  So I booked a short flight two and from Phoenix for us, and last month we got to surprise him with the trip!

It was my first time flying with a kid, and I have to admit I was pretty nervous.  (A million times more nervous than I've ever been flying by myself, that's for sure.)  I figured it was either going to go extremely well OR extremely terribly.  Jon was pretty convinced that he would have to drive down to Arizona to pick us up in the event that Theo would not get back on the plane to go home.

But he loved it!!  He was so excited and cute the whole time.  He had the hardest time waiting (try teaching an autistic 5yo that the majority of the time spent flying by plane is WAITING), but he wasn't scared or nervous in the ways I thought he might.  It definitely helped that he slept through the most intense turbulence I have ever experienced in my flying life.  I will be eternally grateful for that nap he took during that portion of the flight.

I also made sure that we stayed close to the light rail, which was our transportation source AND a chance for Theo to also get to ride a train.  He loved it, but again had trouble waiting for our stop.

I kept the itinerary light, which is to say that it was basically non-existent.  I knew that Theo (and me, honestly) would not be able to handle an even remotely-full schedule, so we essentially did one quick trip to a bookstore and then spent the rest of our trip at the library.  And good grief, did I miss the Phoenix Public Libraries.  The Burton Barr branch looks amazing post-renovations, and it was so nice to be in a place with a wide selection of books and activities for kids.  I definitely had library envy while we were on this trip, both as a patron and as a worker.

I also remembered how important the Phoenix Library system was to me, especially when I was postpartum with Theo.  There are so many different ways that the library, in its proximity or in its vast collections, helped me get through one of the hardest times of my life.  I know it sounds dramatic to say that the library saved my life, but at the time it really did feel like that.

(Also, just for fun: throwback to baby Theo on a walk to the Agave branch of the Phoenix library :)

We stayed in the cutest and most amazing Airbnb I've booked to date.  Theo was in love with it and when we he was tired of being out and about, he would ask when we were going back to the White House, which is what he called the place.  It had a few toys for kids, tons of snacks, and Netflix cued up, which is basically the Holy Trinity of necessities for traveling with kids.  We definitely will try and stay here again if we were go back to the area.  (Theo keeps asking me if "next time" we can take Dad and Vivi to the White House)

In case you're confused and thinking,


I KNOW.  I get it, okay?!?  I thought the exact same thing.  In fact, in preparation for this trip, I had this scene from Avatar: The Last Airbender constantly going through my head:

I think Phoenix will forever be my "Failure at Ba Sing Se."  Don't judge me if I decide to open up a tea shop there years from now.

Have I mentioned how freaking perfect the weather was when we stayed??  One day on a walk in the beautiful neighborhood where we stayed, I caught myself thinking Why did I ever hate living here??  It's because there is a special power that comes from Januarys in Phoenix that magically wipes your brain of all the weather trauma the place inflicts on you the rest of the year.

Anyway, Theo's first trip via airplane was a success!  I'm so glad we got to experience this trip together, and it also proves we have a whole world open for visiting with this boy when he's ready.

(But also when Vivi's older because the thought of taking her on a plane right now makes me break out in a sweat.)

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