04 September 2015

For the last couple of months I've had the baking itch.  And as evidenced by my last couple of posts, I am rarely eager to turn on the oven during the billion-degree summers here.  So the timing really couldn't be worse.

And speaking of timing: 'tis the season where I deeply lament living in a desert, in a place with only two seasons (hot and warm) instead of four.  Football is starting (!!) and Halloween is coming and all of the autumn decorations are out and it is time for baking... but I am dying inside because according to the weather around here it is still summer.  It's clockwork.  Every year.  Every September.  I never complain more and Jon is never more annoyed with me than he is at the beginning of every September.  Clockwork.

Well last weekend I said to hell with it and I turned on the oven and baked up some dang cinnamon rolls, and all week I've been burning my favorite cider-flavored candle*.  I sit right underneath the vent and the ceiling fan and, if needs be, strip down to bare necessities to feel cool for just a few minutes at a time.  So it's official, desert be damned: it is time to get into an autumn mood.  It is time to bake it up.

*Okay, my favorite candle for the past three years has been a Mulled Cider flavored candle from... Walmart.  It smells amazing, it's not expensive, AND!  The sticker label easily peels off, so if you don't want anyone to know you have a Walmart candle, they don't have to!  This candle is a secret I've kept for a few years, and it feels good to get it off my chest.  Go forth and purchase this candle.  You won't regret it.


  1. This post is hilarious! I agree about the weather. When I was young I didn't understand the concept of "Fall". What is that?! Also, I love your use of "risky" language. Definitely adds a flare of passion. :)
