31 October 2014

oh great pumpkin, where are you!

Today's date has been on our radar for a looooong time and we finally made it.  It's a little arbitrary and silly, but we feel pretty accomplished for having made it to this point.  Now all we have to do is wait for this pumpkin to decide he wants to be here.

And arrivals from the Great Pumpkin only.  No surprise World War I Flying Ace beagles, thank you very much!  (I have no idea what that would be in this metaphor.)


  1. Hooray!! I hope the great pumpkin arrives soon! Except I hope he's not toooooo great. Then he'd have a harder time coming. :) So happy for you guys!

    1. Thanks! And yes, a moderately-sized would be preferable. :)

  2. Are you due soon?! (Today?) And it's a he? Good news all around! I happen to think little boys are the best.

    1. Yep and yep! Looks like he's officially going to be a November baby though. And yes for boys!
